Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wood County Expo

The photo above is from the Wood County Expo in Bowling Green back in May. It was held at First United Methodist Church, who graciously waived their room use fee for us.

While the Regional Meetings we have planned in the past are meant as updates and new information for existing Ohio Benefit Bank sites, Expos are meant for potential new sites or interested individuals. They are an informational introduction to what OBB is, how it works, and how it might fit into their agency's existing services or operation.

Wood County was the first of three Expos Maureen and I were planning and hosting, and I thought it turned out well. We had 14 people show up, and many of them left excited about OBB and very interested in becoming OBB sites. A couple of them are already moving through the process. Yay!

This event was also my first attempt at brewing coffee. As a non-coffee drinker, it turned out very thick and probably awful. Hah. But people were gracious :)

Maureen greatly enjoyed putting together folders for our guests with agendas and marketing materials. We made a whole day of it.

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