Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tax trainings

I taught my first tax training last week with my regional coordinator watching. Luckily I passed and now I'm fully certified to teach both benefits and taxes! Feels good.

Teaching taxes wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The software part of the training is exactly the same -- and sometimes easier if the class has already been trained on benefits because then I get to skip it.

The tax part is pretty basic. Of course, there are still a million questions that come up about specific situations, which is the worst part. Usually I don't know the answer, but so far people have been understanding.

I do write down all the questions and plan to look up all the answers and email everyone back. For both my knowledge and theirs. But you do start to feel stupid teaching a class and saying "Um, I'm not sure..." to every single question. I have two pages of questions for one inquisitive class.

My second tax training -- the first on my own -- got moved into a smaller computer lab after it was discovered that the usual training room had been doublebooked.

We went from this:

To this:

Luckily, only three people showed up for that class so it wasn't so bad. It was intimate, though.

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