Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Agency Relations Conference

Today was the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Foodbank's annual Agency Relations Conference at Camp Miakonda, a Boy Scout camp in Toledo.

All its member agencies (the soup kitchens, shelters, churches, organizations, etc, from across the region that pick up food from the bank to distribute in their pantries) gather to learn what's new and hear various speakers -- including myself and Maureen, talking about food stamps and the Ohio Benefit Bank.

Maureen and I and our supervisor Bernice spent the afternoon the day before tying balloons and going all caveman -- pounding stakes in with a rock -- to direct walkers along the 1/2 mile walking route from the parking lot to the council lodge where the meeting would be held.

It wasn't so bad to hang out in nature for the afternoon.

In fact, it was such a gorgeous day that, after we were done, Maureen and I decided to hang out in nature some more. We went to a nearby metropark to plan what we were going to say the next day at the conference.

This morning, Maureen and I were at the camp bright and early.

While Maureen helped one of the foodbank's drivers shuttle people from the parking lot to the lodge (in a beautiful SUV donated for the occasion, thanks Matthews Ford!), I put together the packets of handouts for each person.

During the conference, Maureen spoke about food stamps and then I talked about the Ohio Benefit Bank and what it means to become a site. We also mentioned our upcoming OBB Expos and there seemed to be some interest.

We were both nervous because the room was full. I would guess there were about 90people there, representing 58 different agencies. The room was big and echo-y and we had to use a mic.

I thought our portion went well, although it was a little sad the lack of OBB knowledge.

When I asked how many people were OBB counselors or worked at OBB sites, only a few raised their hands. When I asked who had heard of OBB or knew what I meant when I said OBB site, not many more raised their hands.

Oh well. That just means we have some more work to do in educating people about OBB. But the good thing is that the people at this event all already have a relationship with the food bank, so we already have that trust and connection when we approach them.

Other speakers talked about the new mobile food pantries, the importance of accurate record-keeping and reporting of distributions for federal and state funding purposes, and programs available through the Northwest Ohio Development Agency (pictured speaking above) to help families struggling with financial issues, like credit issues or foreclosures.

Then lunch was served. It felt like being back at summer camp.

All the food was made from items found at the food bank. I thought that was a cool idea.

To decide the order of tables being served, trivia questions were asked. I didn't catch if there was a reason, but the answer to nearly every question was "Rhode Island." Soon people started catching on and just shouting Rhode Island for every question.

And this, because I know my dad always asks for more funny details: Later on, after lunch, a completely unrelated question was asked -- I can't even remember what -- but some jokester shouted "Rhode Island," which made me laugh out loud.

Here was my meal.


The paper placemat below shows pictures of previous Agency of the Year award winners, which are announced during lunch.

This year it was Our Lady of Lourdes church, which is right down the street from where I live! It's the church that hosted the Interfaith Hungar Awareness Service back in September.

Unfortunately, the representative from that pantry was unable to attend to accept his award because of an emergency with his son, who was in ICU. So that put a little damper on the congratulatory mood, but hopefully everything is OK...

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