Saturday, September 19, 2009

Taking the Plunge

When I started applying to Americorps programs this spring, I had been rolling the idea around for the past several years.

During college, I contemplated applying for the Peace Corps, but instead applied for Teach for America, a two-year stint teaching in some of the poorest school districts in the nation. In the end, I didn't make the cut, but it probably worked out for the best. Although I am still passionate about issue of school equality and support the great work of Teach for America, I'm not sure I would have made the best teacher in that situtation.

Either way, I ended up being offered a job at a newspaper in South Dakota, which I loved and which allowed me to learn tons while actually using my degree, pay off my car, save up some money and satisfy my restless wanderer streak by moving randomly across the country to start a life on my own.

One year there turned into three, but then the itch to serve started to pop into my head and that's when I started looking into Americorps again. I was focused mainly on jobs in the Toledo/Detroit area because I wanted to get back closer to home.

I had my first interview for an Americorps position in April, but everything stated happening really fast in July. After months of no contact after my initial interview, my site called and said the job was mine if I wanted it, but I had to let them know by tomorrow! After a sleepless night of indecision, I called the next day to accept, only to be told "Great! Here's a lot of paperwork and we need it filled out and faxed by noon tomorrow!"


But all was well.

I quit my job, gave away most of my stuff, said tearful farwells, packed my car with everything I own, headed down the highway, and that was that.

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